Welcome to Clarendon Infant School
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Clarendon Infant School




Welcome to Clarendon Infant School




Woodlands Resource Base

Clarendon Infant School – Complex Needs- Woodlands Resource Base


Our Vision and Values:

It is our aim that every pupil can look back positively on their school experience having achieved the highest standards of work and achievement. To this end we provide a broad and balanced curriculum which gives emphasis to the aesthetic, creative, practical, social and moral aspects of life as well as academic skills, underpinned by our school values: Pride; Respect; Success


How are our classes are structured?

We are a 20 place Resource Base within Clarendon Infant School for children aged 4 - 7. Our designation is for children with complex needs; with the majority of children seeking most support in their communication, interaction and speech and language. Within the Resource Base, we have two classes with approximately 10 children in each. Our classes are decided upon by need rather than by chronological age as we feel this allows the children to thrive.


What does our curriculum offer (including integration, learning outside the classroom and AP opportunities)?

Our tailored curriculum enables the children to thrive and gain the skills and knowledge they need to progress through their education. We will achieve this through a united approach of:

  • formal and informal learning and assessment through;
  • small group teacher-led sessions,
  • a varied but focused continuous provision,
  • 1:1 interactions.

The objectives that are followed are a blended approach of Early Years learning goals, Development matters, National Curriculum, ASD Framework statements and the Engagement Model, as well as honing in on each individual child’s key targets from their EHCP. This enables all pupils to have a personalised, highly engaging, multi-sensory approach to their learning. The pupils also access a variety of different provisions, including Attention Autism sessions (Bucket Time), ELSA support, speech and language, as well as opportunities to refer to outside agencies and therapists. We encourage the integration of our children within the mainstream school. When our children are ready, with the support of our parents, we introduce them to an area of the curriculum that they are able to access whether it be playtime, continuous play in reception, art or maths. We match the children up with their age appropriate class to allow them to make relationships with a wider variety of peers. 


What wider curriculum and therapeutic support is available?

Where our pupils have a range of different complex needs, we access the full local offer of external professionals and agencies, ensuring bespoke and targeted support is accessed and utilised.

In addition to this, we have an external P.E coach who comes in once a week to work with all of the children in the resource base. We also have outreach support twice a term from the therapeutic team at Springfield Academy.


How do we support transition?

We start with initially meeting the children in their own familiar environment - either at home or school/nursery setting. We then meet with the parents and setting staff to help us really understand the needs of the children.

The children are then invited to stay and play sessions which are tailored to meet their needs.

A staggered start is then used in September to ensure the children have a positive transition into school life.   


What training have our staff had?

Our school adopts a Trauma Informed approach. This allows us as educators to realise the widespread impact of trauma and understand the potential paths for recovery. As a school, we recognise the importance for successful communication for every child. These are the building blocks for successful relationships, communications and interactions allowing the children to fully immerse themselves in their environment. To ensure this is achieved, our staff receive a continuous CPD program of training to really embed our ethos. 
