The Online Safety Lead is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Karen Ward. The 'online safety' message is vitally important for children today.
The YouTube Kids app was introduced in the UK in January 2016 and was designed to allow younger children to use YouTube in a more managed (moderated) way whilst giving parents extra controls. YouTube have introduced a new service called Parent Allowlisting which can be used on mobile devices where a parent can approve a video/channel from the main YouTube app into their child's YouTube Kids account.
We use a range of resources in school to support our online safety teaching. Our teaching is part of our planned curriculum. We adapt our teaching as appropriate in response to any issues raised within the classroom or at home.
Lee and Kim is a film for Year 1 and 2 that is best watched together as a family to discuss the issues is raises.
SID shares four top tips: