Welcome to Clarendon Infant School
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Clarendon Infant School




Welcome to Clarendon Infant School





English Information

Our English Intent is based upon our Curriculum Intent. This closely follows our vision and aims for our school – Pride – Respect – Success. As an Infant School, we believe it is our responsibility to develop the core literacy skills of all our pupils as they are the basis for all future learning and development. Using the Early Years Foundation Stage Strategy and National Curriculum as a basis, age appropriate progression for each core subject has been identified. This has been mapped out to ensure that coverage of identified knowledge is secured across EYFS and KS1. We carefully select the sequence of when, what and how knowledge is taught, revised and embedded and subject leaders review this regularly. Our curriculum is firmly based upon the development of key literacy as dictated by the needs of our children. As part of this, links between phonics, reading and writing are explored and developed on a daily basis.



English Curriculum Intent and Skills Progression

In Phonics, we follow Twinkl Phonics a programme which has been validated by the DFE. Please see the Phonics Intent, Implementation and Impact below which outlines this further. 

English Information

Below, there are resources and information for all areas of the English Curriculum. There are also links to the National Curriculum for KS1 in English and any related information. 
