At Clarendon Infants School and Clarendon Junior School, we have developed a ‘Reading Spine’ of core, high quality texts for each year group from EYFS to Year 6. It consists of wide range of books to inspire and enthuse children’s reading. We are incredibly passionate about providing children with high quality texts to help them become confident, lifelong readers. They are shared with all the children in different ways – they may be read to the children, used a stimulus for writing in English lessons or during Reading celebration days.
The books on the spine are a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry to ensure children explore a breadth of text types and genres to help them find their favourite. This spine has been inspired by the 5 plagues of reading which ensures children are exposed to different text types such as: archaic language, non-linear narrative, symbolism, complexity of narrator and resistant texts. We have also included texts which are diverse, encourage oral storytelling and promote wellbeing.