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Clarendon Infant School




Welcome to Clarendon Infant School




Bug Club

Bug Club

At Clarendon Infants School, we are incredibly passionate about developing children’s love of reading. One of our aims at our school, is to encourage children to read different texts at home.


We have access to a resource called Bug Club which has a range of fantastic texts to read at home. It has an online library which every child can access at home and every child has a log in for this in their reading record.

The scheme has a comprehensive collection of high quality reading books for the children to use in school. You may have used this reading resource during online learning and are aware that it has lots of books which you can read at home. It also has questions and online activities which your child can access linked to the books.

In your child’s reading record, there is a login in and password so your child can access this resource at home. You will need the schools code to log in and this code is: 7cqr


The website is: If you have any issues with your child’s login and/or password, please speak to your child’s teacher or look on the school’s website for more information – thank you!


How do I use Bug Club?

Once you have logged on, you will be welcomed onto your child’s home page. In this section, there is a tab called ‘My Stuff’. When you click on ‘My Stuff’, it will bring up a selection of books your child can read which are linked to their reading ability. Your child can then choose a book they would like to read.

Your child can then choose a book they would like to read. As they read through the book, there will be little ‘bugs’ on some pages. These bugs are interactive and you are able to click on these. They will then take your child to an activity which is linked to the book. This activity is a fantastic way to check their understanding of the text. Once your child has finished reading all the books on there, speak to your child’s teacher and they can put more books on there for you.
