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Clarendon Infant School




Welcome to Clarendon Infant School




Adverse Weather procedures



Clarendon Federation

Adverse Weather Procedures


The following arrangements are put into operation at school, during days when we experience disruption caused by severe snow or extreme weather.

The school aims to stay open whenever possible, although after school clubs may be cancelled. Sometimes though it may be necessary to close the school because of poor weather conditions or for other reasons.

School Closure

Adverse weather overnight may result in access to the school being restricted or may stop children, parents/carers and staff from getting to school safely. If these conditions apply, the following steps will be taken:

  • The Executive Headteacher and Heads of School will evaluate the prevailing conditions at the school site and in the area.
  • Staff will contact the Heads of School as early as possible but before 7.15am to advise of their capability of getting to work safely.
  • If access to the school is regarded as too dangerous or there would be too few staff to teach the children, the Executive Headteacher will take the decision to close the school. We aim to make this decision by 7.40am, particularly to assist parents and carers of children attending our Breakfast Club.
  • The Heads of School will inform staff of school closure via email and WhatsApp groups.
  • The Executive Headteacher will then register the school closure with local radio stations & their websites at the start of the day.
  • These are:

○ Heart Radio/GWR FM: 97.2 and 102.2 FM

○ BBC Radio Wiltshire: 103.5, 104.3 and DAB.

  • The school will communicate what is happening to parents via email.
  • A representative from the school will also post on the Clarendon Infants and Juniors Facebook Parents page by 8am.
  • Our school websites will be updated with information regarding the school closure.


Delayed opening

In the event that poor local road conditions result in pupils or staff taking a longer time to arrive at school, the Executive Headteacher may decide to open the school later or extend the time for registration so that everyone can get to school safely. If the decision for opening later is agreed, following steps will be taken:

  • Children can arrive between 8.45am and 9.30am. This extended flexible start will help avoid congestion on the roads and pavements outside school and improve safety.
  • If you do not receive communication from the school then registration is at the normal time of 8.45am.
  • The school will communicate what is happening to parents via email.


Extreme Weather during the School Day

In the event of a heavy snowfall and/or there is a significant deterioration in local conditions occurring during the school day, so that the return home may become unsafe, then the Executive Headteacher may decide to close the school. The following procedures will be followed:

  • Parents will be contacted by email by the school. The school status will be updated on our website.
  • Staff will remain on site to supervise the children with an acceptable ratio of staff to pupils until all the children are collected.
  • Parents and carers of children attending our After School Club will be contacted by email to advise of early closure of the school.

Information on the repairs to the heating system will be disseminated and updated via the school website as soon as possible.

Should we have to close the school for more than one day, class teachers will provide work for the children via email.

Thank you for your patience. We will always do everything possible to keep the school open throughout the winter without compromising the safety of your children
